A quick-thinking, rummy style,
strategy card game.



Deck contains 70 cards, numbered 1 through 13 in five colored suits;  plus five Wild cards that can be played as any number or color.


Players take turns as Dealer, rotating clockwise. Shuffle the cards thoroughly. Cards are then dealt clockwise, starting with the player immediately to the left of the dealer, one at a time. In a two-player game, each player receives 12 cards. In a three-to-six player game, each player receives only 10 cards. Remaining cards are placed face down on the table, forming the Stock. The top card of the Stock is turned face up, next to the Stock, to start the Discard Pile.


Players attempt to play all cards in their hand by forming matched sets consisting of (1) groups of three or more of the same numbered card, or (2) numerical sequences of three or more cards of the same colored suit.


Players attempt to play all cards in their hand by forming matched sets consisting of (1) groups of three or more of the same numbered card, or (2) numerical sequences of three or more cards of the same colored suit.


Beginning with the player to the left of the dealer, draw either the top card from the Stock or draw from the Discard Pile by adding it to the player’s hand. If drawing from the Discard Pile, take either only the top card OR all cards.

Laying Down

After drawing, the player may lay down any matched set to the Community or add cards to other existing matched sets. A player must first introduce a matched set from their own hand to the Community before they may add to, or draw from other sets. Players may add as many playable cards to matched sets in the Community as possible during their turn. Players may rearrange existing matched sets to complete new matched sets, provided their turn ends with only legal matched sets in the Community. Once a card is played to the Community, it must remain in the Community and cannot return to a player’s hand or the Discard Pile.

End of a Player’s Hand

If a player does not wish to lay down any matched set, or has exhausted their playing options, they may discard one card from their hand, face up, onto the Discard Pile. A player is not required to play to the discard pile. Discarded cards must match either the color OR number of the top card in the Discard Pile. If a player drew the entire Discard Pile at the beginning of their turn, they must begin a new pile with any card from their hand. Players signify the end of their turn by either discarding OR “knocking” to the next player.

Wild Cards

Five Wild cards are in play and can be used with any matched set; however, only one Wild card may be played in any given matched set. Wild cards may only remain in a player’s hand if received from the initial deal or drawn from the Stock.

If a Wild card is rearranged in the Community or drawn from the Discard Pile, it must be played immediately when taken. If a player replaces a Wild from a play in the community, it must immediately be played back into a matched set in the community before the player’s turn is over. 

Wild cards may not be discarded and should only ever be found in the Discard Pile if it is the first card.


When a player has discarded their entire hand, they win the round. RUMSKI!

A player may lay down their remaining cards without discarding on their last turn. 

In a two-player game, players must lay to the Community at least once in a prior round before “RUMSKI” in a subsequent round.

If the last card of the Stock has been drawn and no player has gone out, the next player in turn may either take from the Discard Pile or may shuffle the Discard Pile and place it face down to form a new Stock, drawing the top card into their hand. Play then proceeds as before. In the event there are no cards left in the Stock or Discard Pile, and no other plays can be made, no points are awarded and the round ends with the cards left to be shuffled and dealt by the same dealer.


At the end of a round, each player adds up the points in their hand to be awarded to the winner of the round. 

Cards numbered 1-9 = 5 points 

Cards numbered 10-13 = 10 points

Wild cards = 25 points.

Depending on desired game play length, the winning point value can be adjusted to as low as 100 and as high as desired. It is recommended to play to a minimum of 100 points per player based on the number of players. (ex: 5 players play to the first player with an overall score of 500)